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Rory Pozzolo

Dolci Tradizionali di Parigi (traditional sweets in Paris)

This morning in Paris our adventures led us into the heart of the city, to Montmartre. Directly outside of our final metro stop was this delightful patisserie. It was situated right on the corner and was hard to miss, a small gem tucked beside the busy boulevard, and its windows were coaxing and luring in people in passing. The displays, all neatly lined up on plates were of pate d'amande (almond paste) goodies in various different shapes and colours. Nestled around the almond paste treats were cookies, croissants and sweet buns, all freshly baked and smelling heavenly. Papá bought a raspberry filled sweet bun for the walk, and I enjoyed one of the lovely almond paste figs. Expect to see some almond paste goodies re-appearing on the shelves at the bakery sometime in the future!


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