Dear friends, customers and supporters,
I hope this finds you in good spirits and in health. We have much to be positive for and I hope that you are making the most with the time that has been offered to us. I have been very occupied with “behind the scenes” tasks, those little things that are pivotal to what we do so well. You will find more information on the next blog that I will post soon. I have received many requests for another bake off and am happy to announce that I plan to bake for orders on Thursday April 30th and Friday May 1st. Once again I will be on my own carrying on doing what we have been doing in our family for over 100 years. I expect to have some assistance on the customers service side but it is skeletal at best.
Having learned much from the last time, I've decided to simplify matters in areas that I found cumbersome and time consuming and prevented me from doing what I do best, make n bake specifically. Keeping in mind social distancing, we will allow customers to pick up their order inside the store, having two people inside at one time. In this way you will be able to access any extra baking that I am able to produce that might not be on the order list as well as enabling payment via cards. PLEASE BRING AND WEAR A MASK WHEN INSIDE. Remember, we are happy with cash payments but want to avoid change so please attempt to forward the exact amount if possible. Again, I am hoping that you will use this time to practice your bread knife cutting skills and avoid tasking us with the job. We will be charging $.50 per loaf for slicing except when the bread is for seniors or for individuals who are physically unable to manage the task.
Massimo has been busy producing frozen meals for you to take home, you will be able to find those in the new location next to the cake display case. There will be a small selection of cookies, cakes and pastries and sweet buns available as well. We will not be taking orders over the phone, please go to our website for details, and follow the directions that will (hopefully) be clear. I will be having a croissant special for purchases in sixes, please click on the tab for the list of breads and other products available.
Please note, once in the shop, check about any credits that you may have with us, I have compiled a list with credits for everyone that prepaid for order the last time we baked and am planning to clear the accounts this time around to simplify matters moving forward. Gift certificates are always available if you want to assist us with cash flows.
Thank you,
Thank you, Alberto! I'm so pleased that you and forging ahead with making such fine products. I'll order today for this week's baking.
Found it! Thanks.
How do we get to the order form?
The file for product list and to make an order will not open when using a Mac or PC system.
Hooray! Can’t wait to get my bread next week! Will watch for directions. Thank you so much!